A series of designs put together for a pitch to BAFTA. The website used repository of existing information curated for students and children.
Digital Design
The story unfolded using Unilever’s brand mosaic. Tiles from the mosaic held animated illustrations & statistics along with stock video relating to the message.
Barclays Infinity Loop
The web app was designed for Oracle to pitch to Barclays. It allowed users to select one of three profiles. You would then move around the loop stopping on different key stages. Each stage would explain how Oracle would improve Barclays digital offering.
The London Produce Show
We created an engaging 64 page brochure to support the 2016 London Produce Show. It showcased articles relating to one of the largest global industries, food. Along with the shows schedule and exhibitor information.
The Pepys
Mc Donalds World
WCT Woking Bustler
We were approached to re-design the site to provide a new style of responsive website. We collaborated with Woking Community Transport to create a modern website with which the target audience find easier to interact.